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Old August 27th 03, 02:22 AM
Posts: n/a

If you are looking for an old project rig, I have a Galaxy III
transciever with power supply, accessory speaker cabinet (holds the
power supply), original hand mike and manual.
The thing needs extensive rework. Most of the resistors have changed
value over the years and some of the caps will need replacing.
Brought it up last year on a variac. It does receive, but poorly.
Tried a quick call on sideband but all that could be heard was a little
carrier with no audio. The transceiver cabinet is in reasonbly decent
shape with a good clean front panel. The speaker cabinet is a little
bent, but can be easily straightened. This is certainly not a candidate

for a museum piece, but would make a nice project for next winter for a
rig to be operated. The manual is quite detailed (Leo Meyerson wrote
great manuals back then) and will make it easy to overhaul and align the

rig. I recently moved and don't really have room for this boat anchor
anymore. This was to be my winter project last year, but life happened
and I never got around to it. You can have this item for $100 shipped
conus (the shipping alone will cost me $35-$40 to most places). Please
let me know if interested.

Wayne L. Faris, KEØBZ

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