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Old February 26th 05, 12:43 AM
Posts: n/a

"Bugle-Boys" ? what are they, a type of vacuum tube? Do they say bugle-boy
on them?
Hmmm, I had no idea the tubes seperately might be saleable. Do you know
offhand, Pat, how to valuate vacuum tubes?
This is interesting. Anybody know how old this scope really is?

"patgkz" wrote in message
I had an old scope like that. I pulled out all the tubes and found several
Bugle-Boys which I bundled together and sold them on eBay for $60 to the
I then threw the scope out to the dumpster.

"tom" wrote in message
I've got an old tektronix type 515A oscilloscope that doesn't sweep all
the way across the screen, or display properly. The attached photo is of
120Volt, 60Hz, adjusted to show it most like it should be, clearly it's a
diseased device How difficult a task would it be to fix? Is it worth
anything as antique value?