There was a thread on the PRO-95 back in September, and I gave my
opinion. Bottom line: a good buy, but could have been much better if
Radio Shack had given it a well-designed user interface.
In general, the trunking features of the user interface are inferior
to their conventional (non-trunking) counterparts, and are accessed in
a completely different manner. I get the impression the trunking
firmware was spliced into existing firmware from some other scanner.
Or the conventional and trunking programmers worked in separate
buildings (countries?) and didn't communicate much.
The scanning itself works marvelously. I'm typically monitoring a
Motorola trunked system, an EDACS trunked system, and a bunch of
conventional channels, simultaneously. The PRO-95 handles that mix of
traffic with hardly a glitch.
One PRO-95 tip involves the SEARCH function, which continuously sweeps
through a range of frequencies. When it finds an active one, it stops
and gives you the option of storing that freq in the first available
channel of any bank you specify. It helps if you keep the lowest
channels of that bank empty so all your "catches" will be grouped
together for review later.
In the trunked talkgroup storage area, I also keep the lowest sub-bank
of each bank empty for the same reason. If an interesting group that I
didn't know about comes on the air, I can use a quick button push to
store it at the bottom of the bank.
There's a bug I encounter when scanning a trunked Motorola UHF low
band system. When I turn another bank on or off (either my EDACS bank,
or one of my conventional channel banks), the PRO-95 often loses its
ability to trunk the Motorola system. Instead, the scan keeps stopping
on the control channel as if it were a conventional channel. The cure
is to press MANUAL then SCAN.
Paul Hirose
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