The John Stadtmiller program which comes on WWCR from 5:00 - 7:00 PM EST
22:00-24:00 UTC (freq. 5070 1st hr. & 3210 2nd hr.) has / had David Duke
on as a guest. As many of you know the ADL, JDL, etc., etc., etc. as
really branded David Duke as a racist (their typical term for all whom
they'd like to silence) but they fail to come after John Stadtmiller
because they know HE knows the difference in the subject of this message
- Jews vs. Zionist state of Israel.
You can do a Google search for John Stadtmiller for contact info. David
Duke, I believe he said, is
David mentioned that he had lots of available info on his web site
concerning some of the behavior of the jooz (i.e. the Zionist state of
Israel) and their control over the military forces of America, along
with most other things American. He also mentioned which I
think is and stands for NATional VANguard. They
have a very wide assortment of info if memory serves me correctly - on
many different subjects.
This IS SHORTWAVE related, as mentioned at the beginning. :-)
Oh, Steve Quayle comes on 3210 in just a few moments at 19:00 EST /
24:00 UTC. He is always well worth hearing.
Thanks for reading, even you who may attempt to refute all the above and
blackball all true Americans, who want the best for the WHOLE country.