August 29th 03, 01:36 AM
Frank Gilliland wrote:
In , (K5DH)
I am restoring an old Kris 23+ tube-type CB radio.
As with most Japanese-made CB gear from that era,
the coil slugs are held in place with some sort of
glossy white paint-like sealer. How do I dissolve
that sealer without damaging the coil forms? I'm
unable to budge the slugs with a diddle stick, and
I don't want to risk fracturing a slug by trying
to force them.
Dean K5DH
You didn't mention whether it's a hollow core (hex) or a slotted top. If it's a
hollow core, many of those older radios used long slugs. If that's the case, you
can usually break them loose without a problem by using a long hex wrench or
"diddle stick" to contact as much of the slug as possible. Just make sure you
have the correct size wrench (a tight fit). If it's a short or slotted slug, you
will probably need a solvent. As far as solvents go, alcohol doesn't usually
work, and acetone doesn't penetrate. Try a drop or two of toluene and let it
soak in for a while. It will be gummy, and might even be worse than breaking it
loose when it's dry, but it won't hurt the coil form. Just remember to measure
the slug before you try anything so you can replace it if it breaks.
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My experience has been that the "hex" hole slugs that stick are broken
and the only hope is the pick out the pieces and put in a new one.
Good luck
Bill K7NOM