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Old February 26th 05, 07:12 AM
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
Do a search for previous posting. There were some reviews about
three years ago. I bought one when the solar cycle was still high
and had good luck with it. However, on the west coast where signals
are low , and the solar cylce is heading down I find the sensitivity
not good enough. It is enjoyable for MW reception and the multi
memories can be set up any way you like. It is easy to monitor 10 MW
I have had little luck clipping a hank of wire for improved SW
reception. All I seem to get is more background noise. I did a side
by side with a Sangean 808 in an outdoor setting and the addition of
the wire made the Sangean blow the doors off the Sony.
It is easy on batteries and the sound is quite pleasant for a
small radio. Selectivity is very good for this class of radio.
Lately I acquired a Kaito 1103 and I think it is superior in
every regard to the Sony except, I think battery consumption. Price
is about the same. If you have the chance check out the Kaito/Degen.

Regards, Bob

Hiya, Bob...

I own a DE-1101 and a KA-1102... great little radios... I've been impresses
with both of them for their price. Neither are perfect radios, but they
re-defined economic performance. I hear a lot of good things about the 1103.
It is said to be a great radio for short wave and also an excellent
performer for medium wave. I'm also told that it is a dream to tune. The
draw back as far as I understand it, is that the ergonomics of the 1103 SUCK
!!! Other then that, I hear tell that it is very sensitive and selective.
Such performance for the price was unheard of before the like of the
Kaito/Degen radios hit the market. I cant wait to see what the come up with
next !!!!
