Thread: rectifier
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Old August 29th 03, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a

I get NO reading of anykind between the top cap and pins 1 & 4......
according to the diagram pins 1 & 4 are the cathode/ filament and the cap is
the plate.... it should read like a dioad shouldn't it?


"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
hillbilly3302 wrote:
thanks for the replies... I have an old Heathkit Warrior Amp (4-811's)

it has two of these 1N2637's in it it had some hum so I replaced the

filled cap. it still has a bit of hum so I figured maybe one of the
rectifiers might be bad.... need to fix it or Ill sell it as is for

250.00 has 4 brand new 811's

If one side of those things goes open, you don't just get a little hum,
you get a hell of a lot. They don't go leaky very often but you can use
the diode setting on a multitester to make sure of that.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."