Check your local libraries or online for Popular Mechanics magazines or
Popular Science magazines about a year or so back and read about what
fed govt says about they will qurrantine any space aliens from other
planets and impound their space ship(s).I don't believe it will ever
happen because I don't believe any space aliens from another planet or
planets have ever came to Earth before or ever will come to Earth
either.I am not saying there are not other planets out there with aliens
with advanced technology but if there are,they are so far away we will
never know for sure.I don't fall for any phoney baloney stuff.I have to
see proof first before I will believe anything like that.I have never
seen anything yet that looked space alien to me and I am sixty three
years old.That Roswell stuff was a big Balloon that had spy cameras on
it and it was sent up to spy on the rooskies atomic bomb making
facilities in Russia and it crashed.That is why fed govt brought in the
Troops and hauled that stuff away to wherever they took it to.