Many posts under the drifted thread "1/4 vs 1/2 wavelength antenna" give
various views on the physics of generating the maximum safe load power from
an RF amplifier. To those posters I present this reality.
Modern, solid-state FM broadcast transmitters WITHOUT TUNING OR OTHER
ADJUSTMENT will produce their full rated output power into a 50 ohm load at
any frequency in the 88-108MHz FM broadcast band, and with ~uniform, and
high PA efficiency (80% or better, typically). These transmitters have no
resonant circuits in their entire RF chain except for their output
lowpass/harmonic filter. It is possible to slew the tx freq from one end of
the band to the other in the time it takes for the exciter to lock up on the
new frequency (a second or two).
This reality seems at odds with many of the declarations made in this NG,
and perhaps may inspire some posters to further research their opinions and
Visit for FM transmission system papers.