why dosen't he?
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 18:14:03 GMT, "Thinker" wrote:
"Tracy Fort" wrote in message
.. .
I don't have a problem with that...
But, I bet Angus would never agree to it...
I've already talked to Mark Oppat
I tried to let it die down but Jeff just seems to want to keep it
stirred up.
Then why don't you give it a rest? You may be a nice guy but you sure have
an attitude problem.
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 02:13:53 GMT, David Stinson
Tracy- You got off on the wrong foot.
Stepped on a few toes, etc.
We were all new once- these things happen.
We learn, grow a thick skin, mend fences and
work at getting along.
I grant you, some people are way too quick to get all
bent out of shape, but there's only a couple like that.
I think if you'll stop trying to defend yourself,
write privately to some of these guys and mend some fences,
you might find they will, too.
Life is much better when we don't go around
needlessly making and being enemies.
Whaddaya say, guys- start over?