Jerseyj wrote:
Wonder If anyone has any experience with this vertical...the specs
it works without radials,I'm just wonderng how well.
Hi Jerry, Let me first say that I have never used a 1798, but can
offer some comments for what they are worth.
I have seen the 1798 at hamfests. It is large, and although 20'
tall, it will require guying, and a sturdy bottom support. It will
require a lot of assembly and tuning time. It costs $300.
As for performance, a low dipole, or inverted vee (30'-35') will
probably exceed the 1798 on 80m and 40m. 20m-10m toss-up. 6m and 2m??
As a less expensive alternative, a 100' dipole or inverted vee fed
with 450 ohm ladder line and an antenna tuner will provide equal or
better results 80m-10m. 6m and 2m require additional attention. Since
you will need to guy the 1798, the space required will be larger than
you think.
Gary N4AST