Thread: Vanuatu 7260
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Old February 27th 05, 11:10 PM
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Tebojockey wrote:

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:10:55 -0500, dxAce

Tebojockey wrote:

It does seem to be back on the air!

I'm in the Northern Mariana Islands and have been monitoring this freq
around it's alleged sign-on time of 1900 GMT (0500 Local) and detect a
carrier there, faint but steady, but if there's any modulation, it's
way the hell down there. Gotta report in to the station by 0730 and
the carrier just doesn't pick up by then. Came home in the evening
and decided to try again and there it was at 0948 GMT on 7260. Pretty
good carrier, but only about 70% modulation, so it wasn't very loud at
all. Playing island music and 100% positive English ID at 0950 by
female announcer. QRM from amateur ops and still a bit of a pile-up
on frequency under their carrier

On the other hand Papua New Guinea's catholic Radio Network with 1 kW
on 4960 has a nice fair signal in here also at 1900 GMT. Been
chatting with the engineer who installed the tx'er and he's passed my
info on to the Fr. who runs it, and I hope for some sort of QSL. Word
is they're not set up for QSLing, but maybe some social engineering
will pull it off.

Just send them a prepared QSL card for them to sign and stamp.

USA mean Catholic Radio Network? No snail mail address you happen to have it? It's not on their website
(which is sponsored by some evangelical association on PNG) nor in the
WRTH 2005. I'm hoping the Fr. will get back to me...I plan to blast
off another email today...don't want to pester too much or risk
poisoning the waters for all and good.

Well, you might try:

Radio Station 4960
Catholic Radio Network
Papua New Guinea

I'd put a prepared card in with it, and an addressed envelope, and maybe a dollar along
with your report.

It might just work.
