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Old February 28th 05, 06:29 AM
John Franklin
Posts: n/a

My thought is to run a solid #8 wire underground from the electrical
ground rod to the closest point to the radio. There, set an 8 foot
ground rod giving a close to zero loss from the radio ground to the
electrical ground. The fact that the copper lead between the two rods
is buried will only improve the radio ground rather than create a
resonant loop.

Any thoughts?


Tie them together at a common point. In one of the radio stations I
worked at, I was always trying to second guess the engineer who was before
me. There were plenty of grounds loops that the RF loved to bug us with.
That was a 10KW AM'er, RF getting into an audio console was a real source of
irritation for the production people as well as me. We resorted to screening
one control room with copper screening. THAT was cool, we got 30 DB of
isolation when the door was closed. Wish I had that screened room for my