"K4YZ" wrote in message
New QST column aims to take mystery out of modern ham gear (Feb 25,
2005) -- A new column, "Getting to Know Your Radio" will debut in the
April edition of QST. Author and ARRL Product Review Editor Joel
Hallas, W1ZR, says the column "basically talks about what all those
knobs do" on modern equipment. "The idea is to acquaint users with the
typical features of modern radios."
It seems to me that if you have the scratch to spring for one of
the new MegaBux RiceBurners you could spend a couple hours with the
Owner's Manual to learn how to use it.
Or is that expecting too much...???
Steve, K4YZ
Hello, Steve
I'll be honest; I hate most modern controls. Whether radios or tv remote
controls, the buttons are small (not great for us folks with bifulcrums) and
usually multi-function.
I'd prefer two readouts - one for transmit frequency, one for receive, and
*two* different full size knobs to tune them. I hate it when you have to
press a "function" key with one finger, another key with a different finger,
and then take your shoes off to free up a couple of toes to access some
stupid function that might better be available with its' own control
(perhaps on the back of the rig if it is seldom used).
Oh well .... getting old beats the heck out of the alternative, I guess

73 from Rochester, NY