TV news are toast! The subject content is never in depth and almost always
leaves out critical facts, details. Even FOX news is inadequate.
The unfortunate situation is that the vast majority of the American public
has no time to READ! Dual income families and shuttling the kids to and fro
after school activities makes the 30 minute news program the limit of info
It is the fortune few who have the time and wits to search the internet for
alternative in-depth coverage. The only exception to good domestic current
event news on the air is John Bachelor of WABC radio 770KHz (M-F @10PM EST)
in New York City - superb in-depth current event coverage. I also enjoy WGN
radio 720KHz (M-F @10PM EST) in Chicago for a wide range of in depth
I turn the TV off with just a few exceptions.
"RHF" wrote in message
And people wonder why many American's call the so called Big Three
National News Organizations ABC, CBS and NBC "The Liberal Media ELITE".
Clearly Peter Jennings and ABC = Anti-American Broadcasting Comraden
are a prime example of the Liberal Anti-American Bias in the US Media.
Fair-and-Balanced :
1. One Hour of FOX News
2. One Hour of NPR/CPB News
3. One Hour of ABC/CBS/NBC News
Just Listen, Learn and Understand for Yourself.
so say i - my opinions stated as facts ~ RHF