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Old March 1st 05, 10:20 PM
PowerHouse Communications
Posts: n/a

You know, you shouldn't make "ass"umptions. It really does make and "ass"
out you...

I don't follow around the police. I don't participate in any of the
"activities" on that website. I simply agree with the idea behind what they
do. I have no part of them, aside from the link I give them on my

I do make every attempt to gain proper justice, but it's not easy when the
entire local court system, as well as the lawyers are all "in on it". It's
a smaller city, and the lawyers around here know that if they want to make a
living, you don't go up against anything that has to do with local
government. If they do, they can be assured that they won't be on the
"winning end" of most court hearing.

I have attempted, recently, to fight a bogus seatbelt ticket. Typical made
up story crap by the officer. I made it up to the third level of the local
court system; from informal with the magistrate, to formal with the district
court, then on up to circuit. Problem was, because I can't afford a lawyer,
let alone one from outside the county (since them winning here won't effect
their business practices in their own county as much), I was too late in
getting the proper paperwork submitted to the court system. It ended up
taking too long to do the research on what exactly needed to be done. It's
not easy doing it on your own, I know, I've done it many times before,
generally successfully. This time was one of the exceptions, as I've never
had to take it to circuit court. If it wasn't for the officer lying in
district, it wouldn't have made it that far, this time, either...

"Mark" wrote in message
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:01:14 -0600, "FeMaster" FeMaster @ hotmail . com

You know, I could ramble on about how they are corrupt around here, but I
won't. Quite simply, who the hell can afford to "get their day in court"
these days... We're not all made of money you know...

You seem to have enough time to follow the police around on calls.

you could put this activity on hold while you spend a couple of hours in

explaining your side of the story.

If you choose to roll over and accept whatever "wrongs" you feel you have

handed by the police, you are wasting your breath complaining about it.

Fight for what you believe is right, or just live with it.

"Casper Milquetoast" wrote in message
If the relatives were as paranoid & 'militant' as you seem to be when

were stopped for whatever reason, it's no wonder the police opted to
strictly & perhaps creatively enforce all applicable laws. I assume

relatives had the opportunity to go to court over the matters, so

they failed to do so, or perhaps next you'll ramble on about how all

courts are corrupt, too.

"FeMaster" FeMaster @ hotmail . com wrote in message

Try telling them that around here... Here's an example:

Being in Michigan, a person needs a permit to possess a scanner in

vehicle. Local "enforcement" doesn't want you to listen in on their
activities. Of the three people in my family that applied for and
those permits, I'm the only one that still has one. The other two

them revoked due to these "criminals in uniform".