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Old March 2nd 05, 01:05 AM
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From: "Michael A. Terrell"
Organization: Airwaves Digest
Date: 1 Mar 2005 05:16:13 GMT
Subject: "The End of Radio"


My view on Stern and his type going to satellite is: Good-bye, why
are you still here? Maybe all of talk radio will follow as well. I live
near Ocala Fl and there is no decent radio around here. After hurricanes
Frances and especially Jeanne the stations were off the air. No local
news, hardwired telephone service was spotty and the cell system was
almost useless. What did we get when the stations started coming back
on? Silly kids yaking all night long thinking they are funny and bad
reports of where to find ice or water. The next station that came on
mentioned the hurricane and went back to Rush Limbagh. The last thing
people need when they have no power, little food or water is boring
syndicated talk radio. If I was working there I would have pushed to
get as much accurate information as I could to the people who needed
it. What good would Satellite radio be during a disaster? Let them
have the rubbish they deserve. Even though my favorite AM radio station
is on Sirius, I can't, and won't spend a monthly fee like that for one
radio station. FOr the same price I can get broadband internet instead
of dialup and listen to a stream while stuck at home all the time.

Beware of those who post from!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael - Can you pick up WFLA, Orlando, on 540? I found that station
pretty useful during the hurricanes except, of course, for local info. I
live in Lakeland and can pick them up even in the daytime. WFLA 970 in
Tampa is stronger here and they had decent storm-related info too. But none
of the powerhouse stations are in a position to serve the Ocala area with
local news. One source you could check out is the local ham emerg. net on
VHF. Their traffic usually includes info on supplies being delivered to aid
stations as well as general storm and survival-related info.

BTW, how much do you pay for broadband internet? I pay $40/month for Road
Runner. I believe XM radio is "only" $10.95/month. I am tempted to try it
since I am in my car a good portion of my work day and there is zero on AM
radio that interests me. FM is almost as bad.

