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Old March 2nd 05, 04:27 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a

Greg wrote:

Michael - Can you pick up WFLA, Orlando, on 540? I found that station
pretty useful during the hurricanes except, of course, for local info. I
live in Lakeland and can pick them up even in the daytime. WFLA 970 in
Tampa is stronger here and they had decent storm-related info too. But none
of the powerhouse stations are in a position to serve the Ocala area with
local news. One source you could check out is the local ham emerg. net on
VHF. Their traffic usually includes info on supplies being delivered to aid
stations as well as general storm and survival-related info.

I can pick up both of them, but neither are very clear. The only two
meter receiver I have at the moment needs a regulated 12 VDC power
supply and was out in my shop where I couldn't get to it.

BTW, how much do you pay for broadband internet? I pay $40/month for Road
Runner. I believe XM radio is "only" $10.95/month. I am tempted to try it
since I am in my car a good portion of my work day and there is zero on AM
radio that interests me. FM is almost as bad.



Earthlink is $45 a month, the same as RR or AOL broadband here in
Belleview. I don't drive much anymore, I have Carpal Tunnel in both
hands and nerve damage so a drive across town can be painful. I am now
on full disability because I can't work any set schedule and it drives
me crazy. I was working at Microdyne as a test and engineering tech
when I had to stop working a few years ago. I'll bet there is still
some equipment in use in stations you've seen that was built in Ocala,
or their AFC microwave antennas.

I wanted to fix up a nice shop here at home to enjoy my retirement by
collecting and restoring oddball electronics. My benches are still
covered with plastic since the hurricanes. I was out there today and
one of my shelves has snapped due to water damage.

I agree with nothing good on the local radio stations. The only
station I would listen to on Satellite is WSM, and its on Sirius. Since
I'm at home 90 percent of the time I figured it was cheaper to spend the
money on a better internet feed.

I have a friend who is still an active contract engineer in the area
and get the horror stories when he has time to stop by the house. If
you're anywhere close to Ocala email me sometime.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida