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Old March 2nd 05, 12:47 PM
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Al Patrick wrote:

You aren't free to express your thoughts - IF they don't meet the
politically correct mold - especially if your thoughts and speech happen
to deny the holocaust!

Hasn't there been one or more folks arrested in Germany for a book they
wrote in the U.S?

Well, Here's one whisked off to Germany, from Canada, so they could face
the charge of denying the holocaust!

Check out - While the site is still available.
How long before they shut it down?

"Political Prisoner Ernst Zundel Deported Secretly Whisked by Chartered
Plane to Germany"

"Word has just reached me that Ernst Zundel was taken in a special,
chartered (?) plane to Germany, where he reportedly landed at 10 p.m.,
German time, (3/1/05) in Frankfurt. There, he will be arrested for
"Holocaust Denial" allegedly found on the Zundelsite - and taken to the
Mannheim Prison. So, once again, this is a "cyber war" involving an
American website? Blue Ribbons to the fore!"

Ernst was deported from the USA back to CanaDuh as I understand it where he was
arrested a few years ago.

There was some mention of him in a recent DXLD. Apparently he and/or his group
was responsible for the program American Dissident Voices which aired on
shortwave here. I'm not sure if the program still continues.
