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Old September 7th 03, 04:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Your right, the SBE was solid state except for the driver and finals.
My mistake(big ooops, I owned one too!), so I guess his only option is a
Swan 260 or 270.

Chuck WG2A

"Michael Black" wrote in message
"Chas" ) writes:
Built-in supply?? If memory serves me right, there are very few all
tube transceivers with a built-in supply. The only ones would be the
SBE-34(dog) & the Swan 260 & 270 series(slightly better choice), beyond
that, KWM-2s had a strap on 12 volt power supply, good luck in finding

PM-2 much less affording both it and a good KWM-2, cost: around $1000 or
more. You may be better off with any of the Yaesu FT-101 series. More

than the Swans & better over all. Good luck!

Chuck WG2A

Wait a minute, wasn't the SBE-34 partially solid state? I'm sure I'm not
just getting that from the carbon copy someone built up and wrote about
in QST; I can picture an article by W2EEY with a bunch of modifications
which indicated it was a mostly solid state rig (ie all but the driver
and final). That might account for your comment about it being a dog.

And whether there was a strap on 12v supply for the KWM-2, there was
definitely a 117VAC strap on for it. I once had the use of one, for
something else, and I sure wasn't running it mobile. The intent of
that strap on was if you were running portable, like all those

and wanted a more compact package. It and the KWM-2 would fit into
the Collins suitcase, and there you'd go.

Micahel VE2BVW

wrote in message

I am looking for recommendations on the best all-tube 80-10 SSB/CW
transceiver to buy.

I would prefer:that it be smaller rather than larger, and that it have
a built-in power supply. I realize that this is likely to be a
contradiction, so I'd prefer the built-in power supply over the small
size as this is going to be set up in a portable installation
(motorhome) and the fewer separate boxes I need to mess with, the

The only absolute requirement is that it be all tubes, no
transistorized VFOs or any such thing, although solid state rectifiers
in the power supply are OK.
