Hi Rick! The SBEs were solid state too(driver & finals were tube), so
if your critera was an internal power supply & all tube, the Swan is your
only choice (as far as my memory goes). I recommended the Yaesus only
because of the power supply issue and that they are better than the Swans.
the KWM-2 is the best bet for quality, plus with the PM-2, the power supply
and radio are one piece, otherwise you'll have to build an AC supply or buy
the Collins one, though many people put another connector on a Heath HP-23
and use them (much cheaper).
Chuck WG2A
P.S. Swan 260 & 270s had a bad design in the dial shaft. There was
usually some wear between the shaft and the bushing (?) causing them to be a
real pain to tune in SSB signals. Go with the KWM-2.
wrote in message

On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 21:34:32 GMT, "Chas" wrote:
Built-in supply?? If memory serves me right, there are very few all
tube transceivers with a built-in supply. The only ones would be the
SBE-34(dog) & the Swan 260 & 270 series(slightly better choice),
Good evening, Chuck.
Yeah, I knew it was a long shot. ;-)
Actually I had an SBE34 many, MANY years ago and it didn't seem like
it was that bad a rig. I also had a Swan ... don't remember which one
... and you're right, it was better.
KWM-2s had a strap on 12 volt power supply,
Actually I don't need a 12-volt supply; I plan to use the rig in my
motorhome running either off of a gas generator or off of an inverter
connected to the house battery.
You may be better off with any of the Yaesu FT-101 series.
But, aren't the FT-101's partly or mostly solid state, with tube
finals? I'm looking for something that's tube EVERYTHING, with the
possible exception of diode rectifiers in the power supply ... don't
even want a transistorized VFO.