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Old March 3rd 05, 02:23 PM
Richard Hosking
Posts: n/a

Did the audio go through a LPF for the phasing unit?
Remember that a square wave is made up of the sum of many harmonics -
most of these will have been removed and the amplituyde of the
fundamental may not be that large.


andreas magun wrote:

I have assembled a T2 phasing exciter (KK7B) and looked
at its output spectrum with a spectrum analyzer.

When pumping the exciter with quadrature sine wave signals it
works as expected (output power roughly 3 mW, sideband supression
better than 40 db).

However, when pumping with quadrature squarewave
signals of approximately the same power, the output power
drops by a factor of at least 20 db! I would have expected
much more power, similar to that obtained with sine wave pumping.

The quadrature phase signal was generated with a 74F74, the
quadrature signals being attenuated to give a power of approx. 10 dbm
and output impedances of approx. 50 Ohms.

There must be an explanation.
