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Old September 7th 03, 08:51 PM
Posts: n/a

I think I mentioned elsewhere in these discussions that the main
reason I'm looking for an all-tube SSB/CW transceiver is for when (not
"if", unfortunately) terrorists manage to smuggle a nuclear weapon
into this country and set it off.

(Hell, no, I'm not paranoid, which one of my enemies told you that?)

I'm looking for something that has a reasonable chance of surviving
the resulting EMP, and that means tube gear.

Now, someone else here said something about the KWM-2 having germanium
diodes in the balance modulator. Those aren't likely to survive any
meaningful EMP (they can't even survive a little heat from a soldering
iron, for Pete's sake) so that seems to let the KWM-2 out of the

Of the other tube rigs mentioned ... Swan 260/270/350/500, Heath
SB100/101 and HW-100 (also HW-101?), Hallicrafters SR-150, NCX-5, etc.
.... how many of them have germanium diodes here and there that are
likely to get smoked? What other considerations are there that would
rule one of these other rigs in or out?