On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 15:56:18 GMT, "tom" wrote:
Thanks Buck. You sound like you know what you're talking about. I never
noticed how many of these ham antennas there are until I got into amateur
radio and started looking around (I don't have my callsign yet, I'm still
waiting for my test results to be processed). There's almost one every
couple blocks!
Do you know if there is a way to do lookups on the ham callsign database by
asking if there is an entry for a certain address? Or is it just by name or
callsign? The one page I found for doing lookups only takes callsigns and
Maybe I could download the entire info file from industry canada and either
use a script to eneter it into mysql or just do a string search on it.
Hmmm. Maybe I could just go knock on the guys door.
Either the FCC database for the US, or the ARRL lookup, or the QRZ
database, will allow you to sort by town or postal code. Our radio
club had gotten an address list of all of the licensed hams in the
several nearby communities.
Joining a local radio club may also help.
Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
At the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence
Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom