There is, but I can't find it right now. I think it's buried
somewhere in the FCC. You can enter a location and ask it to give you
every license with X miles. Can't remember if it only gives ham
licenses or not. I used it one time to make a list of all hams within
a couple of miles of my house. I'll do some more looking.
Dick - W6CCD
On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 15:56:18 GMT, "tom" wrote:
Thanks Buck. You sound like you know what you're talking about. I never
noticed how many of these ham antennas there are until I got into amateur
radio and started looking around (I don't have my callsign yet, I'm still
waiting for my test results to be processed). There's almost one every
couple blocks!
Do you know if there is a way to do lookups on the ham callsign database by
asking if there is an entry for a certain address? Or is it just by name or
callsign? The one page I found for doing lookups only takes callsigns and