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Old March 3rd 05, 09:57 PM
Posts: n/a

"K4YZ" wrote in message

Lloyd wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message

robert casey wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Hams continue to whine about a KC electronics dealer who has
found a loophole to sell CB amplifiers and imported non
type-approved hf radio equipment. The dealer is under the
of a liberal activist judge

Must be a federal judge, as the laws being "loopholed" are
federal regulations. Or it's a federal sized troll.....

I lean towards "troll", Robert...

Ya ever notice that people who complain about others "whining"
about laws being broken are those who are themselves in favor or
actually involved in breaking the law...???

You must be bored Steve, as none of your regular r.r.a.p. playmates
are currently bickering with you?

The only one's who "bicker" are the ones who find it necessary to
lie and deceive.

Ever hear of the "message," versus
the messenger? There's a regular pirate whose been operating on
3965, and the stuff he puts out ranges from the interesting to not so
interesting. It doesn't require much effort to set your hf tuning

to 3965 and get first hand what the guy is saying, does it? Sort of
beats calling people names, prior to hearing it first hand. Wouldn't
you agree?

Sure it does.

And generally when you post to this or any other NG it's vile,
mistruthful, profane or factually barren.

Lastly, there was nothing about anyone EXCEPT you in the post I
responded to...YOU stated hams are "whining". If that was not your
intent, YOU need to re-read what you wrote, figure out why it was
interpreted that way, then correct your grammmatical and expressive
errors, Lloyd.

Same things goes for Mr Casey. Then again,
nevermind. I forgot I was in the r.r.a.p. play area where wrong is
right, and right is wrong, or something like that.

Nope..."right" is still "right" and "wrong" is still "wrong".
That's why people like Lennie, Brain, Mark Morgan, and, "ahem", YOU get
your noses rubbed in your verbal run-off as often as you do.


Don't look now, Lloyd, but the laugh's on you.

BTW...I delted the cross post on the response...You'll actaully
have to leave in order to read it...Sorry.

Steve, K4YZ

