Running older radios (e.g. Collins, Swan) from an inverter
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September 8th 03, 06:39 AM
Scott Schrader
Posts: n/a
I had a friend in the early 70s who ran an ftDX560 mobile off an
inverter (perma power "sine wave" unit) with no problems. a little
raspy buzz in the received audio.
considering your earlier line of questioning (tube only), sure you don't
want to have a good generator for the shack instead of an inverter? if
the balloon does go up, inverters will be paperweights from the EMP.
Do any of you have any experience running the older tube-type
transceivers (e.g. Collins, Swan, Hallicrafters) from a 12-VDC to
110-VAC inverter?
I am getting a 750-watt-continuous, 1500-watt-peak inverter for my
motorhome and would like to be able to run something like a KWM-2A
from that.
Is the input waveform important? Will the so-called "modified sine
wave" inverters be good enough (as contrasted with the square-wave
inverters on one end of the quality scale and the big-bucks
pure-sine-wave inverters on the other end)?
-- If it's a "new economy," why do they want my obsolete old money?
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