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Old March 4th 05, 07:33 PM
Posts: n/a

It only took 2 months to realize the VHF FM travels farther locally
then 11 meters does. I can talk places simplex that 11 can't do!

That's amazing isn't it? I found out the same thing when I first
started playing with 2 meters 20-some years ago. Point-point
communications range from base stations (especially with multi-element
beams), is much better (watt for watt) than what I used to get on CB.
A 2 watt HT can hit repeaters 10 or 20 miles away. However, mobile to
mobile, or base to mobile simplex is a bit more dicey on 2 meters.
There's a lot more multipath flutter (If, like me, you live near a
bunch of hills), and 11 meters usually works better for that. It all
comes down to terrain.

I've tried both 11 and 2. It all depends on location and circumstance.

Have you tried SSB on 2M yet? That's even more fun, especially in the
summer when there are tropo ducts practically every day. It's not
uncommon to work most of the east coast with 300 watts and a set of 13
element beams.

I've done 192 miles on VHF-FM simplex. I have the QSL card to prove it!
I did it with 50 watts and 3 elements at 18 feet.

That was my July 4th present from the Main Mama.