Thread: Killfiles
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Old March 5th 05, 12:11 AM
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Default Killfiles

I have never really understood the concept of killfiles. I mean, when
it comes to radio....we seem to want to WALK ON TOP of the other fella
when he/she makes you mad. We jam the living crap out of the person or
subject we don't care to hear.

A Killfile just sounds like the opposite. Instead of jamming, we're
just turning our "receiver" off.

So I'm suppose to be upset when you turn your receiver off and type:
PLONK????? I could care less! Everybody else is participating but
the killfilers!

Another thing: Do you REALLY believe these people killfile all of this
fine subject matter in here??? Of course not!! They're here because
they WANT to be a part of the madness that is rrs! If they were
looking for order and civility....they would go to yahoo-groups....or
something even more wishy-washy.....

Best o' 73,
Bill - WA8MEA
High Atop the Mighty TinyTenna Building
Downtown TinyTenna, Michigan, USA
(Just south of the Mighty TinyTenna Bridge -
the link between the Lower and Upper