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Old March 5th 05, 03:03 PM
Chris Suslowicz
Posts: n/a

In article vnKVd.35813$755.7246@lakeread05,
Ken wrote:

UPS destroyed a boat anchor for me, packed in it's own military shipping
crate. Unbelieveable. Ken

All too believable, I'm afraid.

I had a *well packed* - lots of bubblewrap, foam rubber, etc - WS19
shipped by UPS last year. It was mint (unissued) when it started out,
and arrived with every single case surface dented, and one of the
"brush guards" (strong metal grill to protect the front panel from
operator boots, etc) severely bent).

I said at the time, I wouldn't trust them to ship an anvil safely,
unless it was surrounded by a metre-thickness of bubblewrap.

More recently, I had this to say to another poster (Hi Mike!):

I only bought the 141 because it was local and I could collect - I'm
beginning to see the wisdom of the military packaging instructions in
one of my signals manuals: "It should be remembered that goods in transit
receive very rough handling, a free drop onto concrete from a height of
4' 6" is not improbable, and packaging should as far as possible be made
to meet these conditions".

They've used UPS, I can tell....

UPS and CityLink are now on my "under NO circumstances whatsoever" list,
while Parcelforce (the package destruction arm of the Royal Mail) are
rapidly heading in that direction for failing to deliver a parcel (or any
notification thereof) on Christmas Eve, and then returning it to sender
(again without any attempt to contact the office - which is manned 24x7).
I'm now waiting for it to arrive back in Canada so I can have it reshipped
by some reliable service...


The steady state of disks is full.
-- Ken Thompson