Dee Flint wrote:
"Dave Heil" wrote in message
woke up from a long winter's nap and wrote:
On Thurs, Mar 3 2005 11:04 pm, "Dee Flint" (calmed down from a
hissy fit) jumped into a so-called conversation and shouted out:
"Alun L. Palmer" wrote in message
. ..
wrote in
Are there
thousands of hams that could pass the General or Extra theory
above 30 MHz? Yes.
There are no hams "trapped above 30Mhz.
Riiiiight, Mama Dee. Nobody is trapped. No-coders are
Incorrect, grizzled ancient one. No coders have the same
opportunity to
pass the piddling, easy 5 wpm code test as anyone else.
Even the unlicensed have the same oppotunities...It's just that
SOME of them don't ahve the cajones to take the test...Mostly becasue
it's illegal to take the test open-book.
Lennie couldn't do it otherwise. He keeps making significant
error-of-fact even when he has plenty of opportunity to "get it right"
before he posts in here...pity that!
Riiiight, Dee, the "only" purpose of HF is "to work DX with
Nobody is peddling that claim except for you and you aren't
with DX or CW.
Fortunately I only see Len's idiotic comments when someone replies to
Notice how he has inserted material that wasn't even there. I've
plenty of non-DX stations on HF. He ignores the fact that the same
propagation principles apply to domestic and international
Ironic that Lennie claims that he's such a brilliant engineer.
Lot's of NON engineer types have some very enviable "DX" records
never operating below 144MHz, let alone on 50MHz. Quite a few DXCC's
awarded for VHF operations.
THAT takes skill...perseverence...knowledge...determination.
In other words...characteristics Lennie lacks.
I am also amazed at how he keeps flattering me by using the term
"Mama Dee",
since this is the most important job in the world for any woman with
children. He probably intends for it to be derogatory but has failed
miserably in that regard.
You'll fogive Lennie's mock-derogatory attack on your gender, Dee.
Lennie's own female significant other wouldn't favor him with
offspring, hence most of his angst vis-a-vis women, and I assume his
misdirected attack on pre-teen licensure in Amateur Radio (no practical
experience in child development).
He even digs in pretty deep on Kim who's own position on many
issues actually parallels his own. Ya gots ta wonder why he would
publically slap around a potential ally.
They may not stick with it until conditions improve since they
the skills to participate in the second most used mode of
Wow, all that struggle just to be "second best!" Such
Gots to "work DX on HF with CW." On "shortwave!"
Those of us who care to will. How are you involved?
Notice how he cannot distiguish between 2nd best and 2nd most used.
two phrases have entirely different meanings.
Lennie has a LOT of trouble distinguishing between a LOT of
things, Dee...
Like "truth" and "mistruth". They are interchangeable in Lennie's
And if he were a licensed Amateur, Lennie would know how much
significantly more challenging it is to obtain a DXCC above 50MHz than
below it.
Makes those who do it a lot more remarkable in my book...
BTW, the rest of the radio world uses the term "shortwave" to
to small wavelengths measured in centimeters.
That's simply incorrect. The term has been defined and understood
many, many decades. If some Johnny-come-lately wants to act as if
has just invented the terms "shortwave" or "wireless" let him join
in looking like a complete boob.
It's in all the trade
magazines. Oops, I forgot. Real hams don't read industry
The only approved publications about radio come from the ARRL.
Real hams may read anything they choose and even a non-ham like
may look at QST.
Work, struggle with all one's might to become "second best."
Mediocre is the word.
You whine and whine over a measly five wpm morse code test and you
write of mediocrity?
Again he is totally fuzzy on the difference between 2nd best and 2nd
Mediocrity kept Lennie away from at least one "aerospace" job I
know of.
No doubt it kept him from others too.
But he DID "have his hands in" several "aerospace" jobs...No doubt
some of the early Vanguard missions and at least one Space Shuttle
Or, to keep the "CW" bandplan open as an
olde-tymer's playground/sandbox to keep their righteousnesses
happy. "Real" radio operators do "CW." All important, vital,
necessities, righteous. Get and keep federal LAW to TEST all
hobbyists operating below 30 MHz or the sky will fall!
Seems as if you're really swinging from the chandelier today,
Ironic then that the ONLY "CW bandplan" is in V/UHF spectrum,
(Lennie and Brain call me "nuts", but then they keep making
assinine assertions in the face of well known, publically accepted
standards to the contrary of thier "understanding" of
Steve, K4YZ