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Old March 7th 05, 09:15 PM
Jerry McCarty
Posts: n/a

On 7-Mar-2005, "Phil Nelson" belted out:

I was tearing out my hair trying to align my SX-28's IFs at 455 kc when I
remembered this note in my old SX-28 notebook from about six years ago:

"Be aware that the crystal filter alignment instructions are wholly
incomprehensible. Bottom line is you do a rough IF alignment to 455 Khz
(bandpass set to IF narrow). Then you center the phasing cap and switch to

crystal sharp. Crank up your generator and try to find the center of the
crystal frequency. It's not easy, VERY twitchy, since the bandpass is
100 Hz. Once you have the generator centered dead bang on the crystal,
touch it and go back and tweak the IF alignment on that frequency (at IF
narrow bandwidth). A counter helps."

Here is a classic example of "The Old Ways Are Sometimes Best." I have a
synthesized signal generator which I love dearly. If I had had it in 'Nam,
we would have won. Be that as it may, it is virtually useless for this
application because the exact crystal frequency always falls between two of
the steps. I don't have that problem with the URM-25.