A Chance to be Published
Authors wanted! (Mar 7, 2005) -- Have you ever thought about writing for
QST? If so, we'd like to hear from you! An informative Author's Guide is
available on the ARRL Web site. We can mail you a hard copy in exchange
for a self-addressed, stamped envelope to QST Author's Guide, ARRL, 225
Main St, Newington, CT 06111. While we will consider all articles
directly related to Amateur Radio, we are particularly looking for
concise articles (no more than 2500 words) written at a basic level that
teach QST readers something practical. A few examples: How to get
involved with a net; how to hit the road for a county-hunting
expedition; tips for operating HF mobile; how to use beacons; how to
select the best type of feed line, and how to organize a mini
DXpedition. If you have some expertise in a particular area and a knack
for writing clearly at a basic level, we want to hear from you. You need
not be a published author to write for QST! Good quality color photos
and illustrations are a plus. Interested? Send your article via e-mail
or to QST Articles, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Authors of
QST articles are compensated at the rate of $65 per published page.