Consider a no-code Amateur Radio license, technician class.
You can access repeaters with 90+ miles range.
Repeaters are usually on mountain tops, hence the extended range.
A mobile 2M rig with a 19" whip antenna will do the trick.
Repeaters are full of traffic reports for the commuting, traveling ham.
Base stations can use the internet to report traffic incidents and traffic
Also great for getting directions if you are not familiar with the
KeyBoard In The Wilderness
"Vinnie S." wrote in message

On 7 Mar 2005 15:43:55 -0800, wrote:
I was stuck in traffic for two hours this past weekend... has no idea
what was going on until two hours later when they directed us OFF of
the interstate. All I want is a portable/handheld CB radio with great
range, that will pickup all of the freq's/channels that truckers use
(since they will most likely know what is going down) Can someone here
please recommend a good one?
Unless you at using an external antenna, your range will be nothing,
from inside the car.
Vinnie S.