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Old March 9th 05, 09:24 AM
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Jim Weir wrote:

"Steven R. Adell - KF2TI" wrote in message

QST articles are compensated at the rate of $65 per published page.

$65 per published page? You certainly must be kidding or are looking

amateur junk that has no basis in fact. You can make that much

burgers at McRadio.

And you want drawings and photos to boot? Certainly you MUST be


Now get it up to about $400 a page and serious authors will consider
submitting stuff worth publishing.

I think that was the point of Steve Adell's comments too, Jim.

Brings to bear the matter of another engineer wannabe who posts
herein on an all-to-frequent basis...I am sure he found satisfaction
getting "published" in a now-defunt Amateur Radio journal.

And I am sure it was due to the fact that his "work" never found
favor with PROFESSIONAL journals who found it laughable that he'd
submit his "work" for compensation at professional rates.


Steve, K4YZ