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Old March 10th 05, 01:05 AM
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"Michael" wrote in message

"jimg" wrote in message
anyone have any reasons/recommendations to buy the optional 9MHz and
455kHz filters for swl? universal radio wants over $200 for the
narrower AM filters, half the price of the receiver itself....

or do you think i should just get a ten-tec...i really don't want to
spend more than $600.....


I've been using my R-75 with the stock filters for two years. I also have
experience with the Drake R8 series and the Kenwood R-5000 to compare the
stock R-75 performance to. IMO, you really dont need any additional
filters in the R-75. It does just fine with what it comes with. In the
situations where you would need a different filter, there are tricks you
can do with the radio to make up for it. You would get some use out of an
optional filter, but it wont be worth the money. The beauty of the R-75
is that it is a very low priced receiver that has performance specs well
above its cost. It is a SUPREME radio in ssb, for DX'ing and utility. It
is an "adequate" radio for broadcast listening. The best use of extra
money on the R-75 is to buy a nice external speaker. The next step would
be the Kiwa sync and audio mod. Other then that, it is what it is.... It
will never be a top flight radio for broadcast listening like the R8b.
Spending money on optional filters defeats the purpose of getting an R-75.
That being, value for dollar.

Just my 2 cents.


Location: New Jersey
Primary Receiver: R-75 with full Kiwa mods
Antennas: G5RV, 200ft "Frankenstein" roof wire
Additional Radios: 7600GR,KA-1101,KA-1102
PL-550, KA-989, Info-Mate 837, GE-SR III
Westinghouse H-104 (seven tube)
Web Site:


I bought the 2.8 9m filter for ECSS and Hams and I love it. Perfect for
those pesky AM stations and fantastic for Hams. I paid a whole $60 shipped
off Ebay. My $50 rebate will pay for it.

The twin PBT on the R-75 can't be beat for DX'ing. The receiver is extremely
sensitive. There is no better rig for SSB for the money.

So for $485 {$425 for the receiver plus $60} I have a brand *new radio with
a warranty, a bunch of filters I can MIX and match plus *DSP. Throw those
twin PBT into the picture...and well you get the picture!
