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Old March 10th 05, 09:24 PM
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whoever wrote:
Blue State Liberal wrote:

In her continuing move to the right, U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton

stated on the floor of the Senate that there is far too much filth

family unfriendly programming on American TV. A few minutes later,
in what seemed an odd remark to make, Senator Clinton stated were
it her decision, the FCC should have been dismantled and shut down
years ago.

She has no power so it doesn't matter what she said about the FCC,

ought to look at bill before talking about filth and family values.

I'd rethink that, Ken.

Hillary has more power than any thieving white woman should be
allowed, but trust me, she's coniving and will have her way.

There are women out there who will vote for Hillary Clinton based
upon no other criteria than she IS a woman.

Forget that her husband was one of the most prolific pathological
liars in the White House in over 200 years and she helped him. (No
wonder folks like Lennie Anderson and Brian Burke don't think twice
about doing it...Clinton set the trend...)

Forget that she still has never satisfactorially answered the
questions about her real estate dealings. Heck no! Martha Stewart
went to jail for 6 months just becasue she acted on a stock tip, yet
Hillary won't pay so mauch as attention.

Forget that Hillary was responsible for STEALING real property
from the White House as she and Billary were on thier way out the door
in 2000. "Oh...that's not ours? Well...I guess we'll put it back..."
Dodged ayet another bullet.

Forget that she facilitated (or at least tolerated) her husband's
philanderings all-the-while promoting herself as the champion of
women's rights and equal opportunity.

As Billary's "Health Care Advocate" in 90's, she didn't do a
single worthy thing. She and Bill brandished a "health care card" at
his first "State of the Union" address, but that was the end of it.
Health care benefits for the uninsured, under-insured, the aged and
catastrophically ill or infirmed are threadbare, to say the least.

But, unfortunatley, people will still vote for her...Again, just
because she wears a skirt.


Steve, K4YZ