What antenna do you use for AM BCB DX?
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March 10th 05, 06:24 PM
Stephan Grossklass
Posts: n/a
Hello Friends
Currently using my handy dandy Grundig S350 with occasional uses of my
long in the tooth Sangean ATS803A for AM BCB DX. That 803A is more
selective than I would've given it credit for. I have 2 communications
recievers (old Icom R72 and a fairly new Yaesu FRG100B). Some of the
tax refund is going on a good BCB DX antenna. Wonder if anyone out
there uses a communications RX for AM DX'ing (always wanted to try
it)...what antenna do you use??
I imagine that tunable loops (frames) should be pretty popular. These
can also be used with portables (inductive coupling by sticking the
portable right through the antenna frame). Apart from that, something
like a Wellbrook active loop (I've been considering getting one but my
bank account is still very skeptical [1]
should also be very usable.
Some hard-core folks with *plenty* of space use beverages, of which you
preferably should have 2 so you're not too much restricted direction
wise. (A beverage is a fine directional antenna for MW and the lower
tropical bands, but its dimensions...)
If I can find the webpage..there is 1
company that makes an "outboard" rotating ferrite rod of pretty good
This also sounds like it may be a viable option. Anyway, directionality
(plus some means of changing direction) is usually far more important
than pure signal strength on MW. Of course signal strength and
sensitivity *are* interesting once you're looking for hard-core DX.
[1] When you're young and foolish, you don't think about TCO issues and
buy the best receiver you can still reasonably afford and no decenta
ntenna. Well, I did buy an ARA-60 at the time, too, but did not have any
possibility to put it up outside, so I merely got frustrated with all
the interference caught by this omnidirectional thing. *sigh* Well, now
there are the Wellbrook loops, but I'm currently having similar trouble
with FM BCB antennas since I want something more directional than a mere
dipole. *grmbl*
PC#6: i440BX, 2xP3-500E, 704 MiB, 18+80 GB, R9k AGP 64 MiB, 110W
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