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Old March 11th 05, 05:36 AM
Ken Wilson
Posts: n/a


I use

Indoor antenna : Quantum QX Loop
Outdoor antennas: Wellbrook K9AY & Wellbrook ALA 1530

I also have a Quantum Phaser that I go with on the 2 outside antennas
when I am on a Freq that I want to try for a "new one" .

IMHO the K9AY is the best you can do for a very small space. around a 30
ft square is all that is required. One center support around 26 feet
tall. Fiberglass mast.

73, Ken KG4BIG

Hello Friends
Currently using my handy dandy Grundig S350 with occasional uses of my
long in the tooth Sangean ATS803A for AM BCB DX. That 803A is more
selective than I would've given it credit for. I have 2 communications
recievers (old Icom R72 and a fairly new Yaesu FRG100B). Some of the
tax refund is going on a good BCB DX antenna. Wonder if anyone out
there uses a communications RX for AM DX'ing (always wanted to try
it)...what antenna do you use?? If I can find the webpage..there is 1
company that makes an "outboard" rotating ferrite rod of pretty good
size. But, what do you folks use? Thanks 73 Greg WDX9KHY