There is no excuse for a penny pinching move like that in an expensive
radio. My opinion of Japan Radio just went down a couple of notches.
Pete KE9OA wrote:
Those filters were pretty awful................I don't remember the
name of
the company name, but it started with the letter K.
They were used in the NRD-515 and in the Yaesu FRDX-400. They were
with some sort of foam substance that turns to a sticky jelly after
years, causing the insertion loss of the filter to degrade. Peter
had an article in Popular Communications a few years ago on how to
them. I did just that for a friend's FRDX-400. You have to dismantle
filter and clean out all of the goo with alcohol..........I used a
called Flux-Off.
Afterwards, you have to replace the foam damping material. I used air
conditioner foam strip. Another thing about those filters....there is
other mechanical support for the filter elements themselves. When you
the goo, you have the filter structure hanging by a few strands of
wire. For years, I was looking for an NRD-515 until I discovered
filter problems. I have never seen a Collins mechanical filter fail
in that
manner, and I have had quite a few of those filters over the years.
If any
of you ever have the problem with your JRC radios that use that
filter, I
can give you advice on how to repair them.....................if you
feel comfortable repairing them yourself, I can repair them for you.
I did have one of those 2515 in for repair a couple of years ago, and
unit that I repaired did not have any mechanical filters even though
advertising hype stated that it did. It was definitely one of those
oblong I.F. transformers that had the ceramic filter inside the same
For a cheap receiver, they weren't bad.
Anybody remember the transceiver that matched this unit in style? A
once told me that it was a Kenwood TS-510 with Allied's label.
wrote in message
There was a Japanese company that made a smaller version
of the Collins Mechanical fitler and I htink it looked like your
discription. Poptronics ran an article int he mid 1960s about
how to add one to your existing SW receiver. I