Thread: South Africa!
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Old March 12th 05, 02:32 PM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"K4YZ" wrote in message


btw, when cb required a license, there was an age requirement.
I think it was 18, but it could have been 15 - I'm not 100% sure
because I was never involved in cb. Yet that age requirement didn't
help cb's problems...

It was because 18 is the "age of majority" for most legal
purposes. A minor couldn't be held liable.

Why it matters for CB and not for Amateur Radio is beyond me.

I wonder if that is perhaps because ham radio goes back to a time when
people were believed to be responsible at a younger age even though they may
or may not have been able to sign contracts, etc. That was a time when
completing the 8th grade was still considered sufficient for most people and
they often then went to full time work rather than going on to more
schooling. They were considered adults at least functionally if not
legally. Even quite young children sometimes worked instead of going to

On the other hand, CB was set up at a time when people were expected to stay
in school through high school and people's perceptions changed that
teenagers were still children rather than people in the early stages of
becoming adults.

Of course this is all just speculation but it's fun to think about.

Perhaps Len wants amateur radio to be more like cb...

Perhaps because Len epitomizes CBers...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ

It's impossible to tell from his postings. It would appear not that he
wants it like CB but that he hates amateur radio and amateur radio

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE