"Psychiatrist-To-Hams" wrote in message
The 3965 pirate put out an update on the KC dealer who sells
CB amps. legally. There was a new court ruling in his favor,
supposedly. He had the dealership owner on the air for a live
interview. Did anybody monitor the broadcast? Any court
ruling that goes against the FCC is never put out in a press release,
just the ones that go in their favor. Sure would like to know if this
guy is now permanently cleared to sell CB amps, non-type approved
radio gear, etc.
The dealership is still operating. He is still in business, still
selling CB amps, non-type approved radio gear, high power CB sets,
and much other interesting electronic stuff, cell phone jammers, etc.
There's a lot of chatter on 27680 about the place. The claim is it is
all being done legally.