Thread: South Africa!
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Old March 12th 05, 04:51 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:

btw, when cb required a license, there was an age requirement.
I think it was 18, but it could have been 15 - I'm not 100%
because I was never involved in cb. Yet that age requirement

help cb's problems...

It was because 18 is the "age of majority" for most legal
purposes. A minor couldn't be held liable.

I disagree. Some minors can get driver's licenses in most places, which
is a far more dangerous activity than being allowed to use a 5 watt,
channelized, type-accepted 27 MHz cb transceiver according to cb rules.

Why it matters for CB and not for Amateur Radio is beyond me.

I think the real difference was that a cb permit required no test, no
skill, and no demonstration of ability of any kind except for the
ability to fill out the application form and send it in.

I think FCC thought, back when cb was created, that denying cb permits
to people under 18 would insure that the vast majority of cb users
would display mature, responsible on-air behavior that followed FCC
rules. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way.

Perhaps Len wants amateur radio to be more like cb...

Perhaps because Len epitomizes CBers...?!?!

Epitomizes or idolizes?

73 de Jim, N2EY