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Old March 12th 05, 09:24 PM
Li Changchun
Posts: n/a

This religious war has been fought for centuries - the religious borders
between Judeo/Christians and Muslims and their influence on geopolitical
borders in European & M.E. States.

It should come as no surprise to free westerners that Islamic states must
use the brutal dictatorship of socialist/communist fascism, under the guise
of the Koran, to remain in power.

Christian-Sunni opposition rejects new pro-Syrian government

Beirut (AsiaNews) - Lebanon's Christian opposition has called the
reappointment of Omar Karami to the post of Prime Minister "Rafik Hariri's
second assassination" and has said it would not participate in the new
pro-Syrian government.
The Christian opposition yesterday met at Kornet Chehawan in the presence of
the Maronite Bishop of Antelias and under the auspices of Maronite Patriarch
Nasrallah Sfeir.

In a statement released after the meeting, the members of the Christian
opposition urged all Lebanese to pursue the struggle for Lebanon's
independence from Syria and expressed their solidarity with the other
sectors of the opposition, i.e. Sunnis and Druze.

Hizbullah Leader Nasrallah at Pro-Syrian Beirut Rally:
If U.S. Navy Fleet Returns to Lebanon They Will Be Defeated Again

"We say to Syria, as your president, Bashar Al-Assad has said: "In Lebanon,
your presence in not material or military. You are present in the souls, the
hearts, the minds, the present, the past, and the future." I say to you, no
one can get Syria out of Lebanon, or out of its mind, its heart, and its

"We emphasize that any mechanism for Syria's remaining or withdrawing from
Lebanon must be subject only to the Al-Taef agreement. We, who are gathered
here, have come to tell the world that we reject resolution 1559.

"Lebanon is a unique case. Lebanon is not like Somalia, in case you are
thinking of military intervention. Lebanon is not Ukraine. Lebanon is not
Ukraine. Lebanon is not Georgia. Lebanon is Lebanon, a unique case in this
world. If there are those who think that they can bring this country down,
with its regime, its security, its stability, and its strategic choices,
with their connections, their positions and sponsors, with some
demonstrations, some scarves, some slogans, and some the media - then they
are wrong.

"I address the following to America. I address the following to America. I
say to President Bush. And to Ms. Condoleezza Rice. and to the
American-Lebanese field commander, Satterfield: You are wrong about Lebanon.
You are wrong about Lebanon. Lebanon rejects the partition. Lebanon rejects
civil strife.

"Lebanon rejects defeat. And I say to you, this Lebanon rejects death. Never
will Lebanon change its name, its history, its identity, or its attire.
Lebanon will not tear off its skin, or throw its heart to your soldiers'
dogs so they will eat it. Lebanon will remain the Lebanon of the homeland,
of Arab identity, the Lebanon of the resistance, the Lebanon of the entire

"I ask you. You can make yourself heard by the commander of the American
forces in the region, who is of Lebanese origin, John Abizaid - Are you
Lebanese afraid of the American naval fleets? These naval fleets have come
in the past, and were defeated, and if they come again, they will be
defeated again. I say to the Americans: 'Don't interfere in our internal

"Let us be, and keep your ambassador in his embassy in Awkar. He should let
us Lebanese be. We Lebanese are the most devoted to our homeland, to
defending our homeland, to the existence of our state, to our national
unity, to our life together, and to our internal peace. Remove your
fingers - the fingers of civil strife - from our country.

"To Syria we say: Long live Assad's Syria! Long live Assad's Syria! Long
live Assad's Syria! Long live Assad's Syria! Long live Assad's Syria! Long
live Assad's Syria! The den of the lion (Assad) in Damascus will remain a
den for all the lions of Lebanon."

"* Dr. Artaud *" wrote in message
"Li Changchun" wrote in

Nowhere is my post endorsing Islamic States. You have engaged in the

subterfuge so common to someone incapable of addressing the facts, i.e.
say something irrelevant to the point.

Did you peruse the information at the listed links, or merely judge them
as untrue as they don't support your view on life? Wrong is wrong,
regardless of who perpetrates it. The Israelis were wrong in the cited
examples. The Arabs are wrong in the continuing acts of terrorism.

Nothing is going to change in world politics if we continue to focus on
specific groups and exonerate other groups of the same crimes. Have you
ever watched movies (I'm sure that you have). At least the movies
produced in America have stereotypical villains. Republicans, Germans,
Christians, Arabs, and Caucasians. That's about the extent. Movie after
movie inculcating the public that people from these groups are not to be

All men are stupid, all women are single (or single mothers),and all
Arabs are crazy machinegun toting maniacs. How is this going to help

And you, I see that you are with the "Chinese Communist Party". How
exactly do you enter the fray of the discussion? History has rightly
condemned the acts of the Nazis during WWII, but has been stifled on the
cases that I cited. People should have free access to the facts and be
able to come to their own conclusions, not have them forced on them by
politically correct mores.


Dr. Artaud

P.S., are you involved in shortwave and are you from China? (This may be
self evident to others on the group, pardon me if this is something that
I should have noticed from other posts). Do you know the times in UTC

frequencies for English Language shows from China?

For some reason, when U.S. Allies are involved, it's freedom

when anyone else does the same thing, it's terror.

Go Figure.

Ditto for the Islamic States.
You decide who are the "freedom fighters".
Then defect!