Hi, Edward
It could be that someone changed the mic jack to a single-
conductor type, in order to use
a favorite non-push to talk mic he had on hand.
He could then use the transmitter's mode switch
to go from standby to transmit on a.m.,
as if the PTT relay mod was never done.
This would be easily reversed, should he want to go
back to push to talk - no need for him to remove the relay.
Look at the wiring near the mic jack.
Is there a wire which originated
at the PTT relay coil terminated near the mic jack?
It should be shorted to ground
so the PTT relay will be pulled in on a.m. mode.
The connection for the external antenna relay coil is the small
2 pin ceramic socket right above the a.c. power cord,
at the back of the rig. It looks like a crystal socket
for type HC-6/U crystals.
I referred you to the Ranger II manual because I know it spells
out the push to talk mod. The Ranger II is very similar
to the Ranger, it merely adds another multiplier tube to reach
the 6 meter band, and deletes the old 11 meter band.
(The Ranger II also uses different modulator tubes).
You should go over the manual's tuning procedure carefully.
It is easy to damage the final if you transmit too
long without having the final dipped. It's also possible
to damage the final with too much grid drive.
Look over the mode switch carefully. Are any parts of the
switch damaged? It could be that the previous owner added
the relay to substitute for burned out contacts on the mode
switch (not very likely, though).
Ed Knobloch
Edward wrote:
Thanks, Ed-
I should have told you it is a Ranger I.
The mic connection on chassis has only one center input. Base on this
it is not a PPT relay per your explanation of requiring two
connections. I also have no ac terminals on back of set for any relay.
The relay does look like it is a double-pole double- throw.
This set apparently has a lot of other mods based on tracing some of
the wiring when I replaced all the caps.
When I first tried to load into a 5o watt light bulb, it blew the
fuse. It has been over 20 years since I loaded a tube transmitter. hi
hi I changes fuse and tried again. It does not seem to load. The
relay does click when I change from stand-by to fone or to cw.
I used my key and sent some code and can hear faint clean cw signals
on my Sony Sw RX set when tuned to the sending freq.
There is no sound when I put on tune position during tune up.
Does any of this give you any clews as to where I should look for the
I should also point out the relay and meter sometime do absolutely
nothing. I suspect have a short somewhere ??