Thread: It's Nice....
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Old March 12th 05, 10:36 PM
Eric Ferguson
Posts: n/a
Default It's Nice....

Reading through a lot of the postings and actually seeing headers related to
Short Wave.

Terry, thanks for letting us know about the restoration work on your radios.
Sounds like fun. Still wish I had my original SW set. An old Packard Bell
that tuned from 5.5-18 Mc. Strictly AM, but my first station was Radio
Australia. I was only fourteen and had been doing a little AM DX on an old
clock radio. Same night, got the BBC, Radio Japan, Radio Moscow, HCJB, The
Dutch station (senior moment there, can't remember what it was actually
called....) Man I was hooked!!!!! Been doing SW on and off over the years,
still do a little AM DX, and listen to my scanners Guess I'm still hooked
