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March 13th 05, 04:14 PM
Posts: n/a
From: Brian Burke on Fri, Mar 11 2005 3:18 pm
$102 for a WOMAN's long-sleeve T-shirt featuring
"morse code" messages?!?!?
...truly, only a rabid MORSEAHOLIC would think
that is "cool." :-)
Wonder if they've got antabuse for morse code?
If there was, the rabid morsehams would scream
and holler abuse (not "antiabuse") at all those
who made it, saying "THEY HATE HAM RADIO!!!"
["Real hams know code!"]
Might be the next hot thing at Dayton.
Wow...maybe it will be the start of a whole new
hamfashion trend?!?
The mind boggles at all those sweaty middle-aged
morseaholics swishing around (some with exposed
navels a la the Britney style) in morsetees and
"key pushers" (new form of pedal pushers). Gay
times ahead for Dayton! :-)
Len, come on out and see for youself. Petty good bunch of people even
if many are overweight and in t-shirts 1 or 2 sizes too small. Some of
the vendors have even figured out that sex appeal even works on hams,
and have staffed their boothes with attractive women.
And they do have a testing session. Bring an ID and $12. Oops,
forgot, Heil says no more licenses in that box. Wonder if the FCC
knows that?
My biggest peeve is how crowded it gets, and the guys with backpacks.
Every time they turn, they knock into someone.
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