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Old March 14th 05, 04:52 AM
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wrote in message
The fact is that in every election there are several groups:

1) Those who will vote Republican no matter what
2) Those who will vote Democrat no matter what
3) Those who won't vote, or will vote for a 3rd party candidate
with absolutely no real chance of winning, no matter what
4) Those who are truly independent, and who may vote Democrat,
Republican, 3rd party, or not at all, depending on a wide variety of
factors, and whose votes really can decide an election.

Successful campaigning is all about identifying the 4th group, and
getting them to vote for your candidate.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Hello, Jim

I used to try and look at the candidates, but what the current
administration is doing and setting us up for - I will, unfortunately, be
voting straight Democrat until things are a bit more balanced.

I know that sounds stupid, but when I found out that a co-worker was in
Desert Storm and has a 10% service connected disability ... and can *not*
get VA care ...(yep, even with an honorable discharge, you must serve at
least 2 years now to be treated for anything other than the service
connected disability).

Being a Vietnam veteran and seeing the changes at the VA, I honestly do
*not* believe the Republicans support the troops. They wave the flag and
make speeches (even visit the troops), but then forget them.

I couldn't believe they were going to attack the AARP as having a "gay"
agenda! The big deal is that they have dug a huge monetary pit and don't
want to repay the "borrowed" funds from Social Security. You think Hillary
Clinton or Martha Stewart are/were crooks?

So, unless the Republicans can come up with a candidate with something on
their mind other than big money, I have to vote something else. 3rd party
won't cut it as has been proven in the past.

73 from Rochester, NY