On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:40:08 -0500, "Leland C. Scott"
Well, upstanding hams like wa3moj only post with their
real name, not a made up one.
I will send you my call sign when I get it.
Vinnie S.
Use it in your posts on the news group. I would like to see somebody else
have a higher look up count on QRZ than me for a change.
I never looked you up. They have a count there?
Vinnie S.
Sure do. I'm over 18,000 look ups so far, 99 percent of it due to my
postings on this news group. Just proves a whole lot more people just
sandbag on the side reading and never post anything.
Wow !!!!!
I am hesitant ti post it here. I will not be on the air for a couple months. If
I post it, some asshole forger or criminal that resides on this NG might use it
on the air. And I might not even know about it. If you know what I mean.
Vinnie S.