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Old September 24th 03, 04:11 AM
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 23:09:01 UTC, (M Wilson) wrote:

The HW-16 is a great idea, although the VFO adds another box, but
that's okay with me. Based on that, let me -revise- my request, to
include tube receiver/transmitter combos... it does not need to be a
transceiver. Suggestions?

Thanks again folks!


The Drake 2B and 2NT combo.

There are a plethora of small basic tube receivers, Heath and
Hallicrafters made them, that could be paired up with an EICO 720,
Heath DX-60 or DX-40, Knight T-60.

I've been working on my boatanchor collection which includes several
hot SB-303's and and a Signal/One CX7A.

Frankly, in my city QTH, the QRN runs S-7 or more. I don't see how
a modern, high-end receiver will work that much better than a basic,
1-4 uV sensitivity, tube receiver.

A modern receiver will give you .01 kHz readout as opposed to 5
kHz calibration marks, smoother tuning, much more stability but for
"communicating", the basic receivers will copy them just as well.
I'm not even thinking about something as good as a 2B. I think
Heath made something called the HR-10 that was a ham band, sliderule
dial, 5-6 tuber.

I've been thinking about getting an HW-16 but I already have too
many radios.

de ah6gi/4